Gwen Sanabria

UT Coding Bootcamp Student

About Me

About Me

Full stack developer with a BootCamp certificate and a BA in Anthropology from the University of Texas at Austin. My great work ethic and perseverance led me to gain various scholarships and financial aid to become a first generation University graduate with no debt. I have stepped up my coding ability by advancing my knowledge of JavaScript and learning about React, Redux, and backend databases. With over five years experience in customer service I have developed the ability to anticipate the needs of people around me, work well with coworkers and to make sure that we are in a position to flourish as a group. I am looking for a change of pace from my current job that aligns better with my personal goals of making sure that I live up to my potential as a developer and help others around me succeed as well. During my free time I enjoy heading to the gym where I practice a Krav Maga/MMA curriculum.



Group project made using two APIs. Uses state selection to find National Park campgrounds, while also returning relevant park info and the weather forecast for the day.

Workday Scheduler

Nine to five daily scheduler that saves input into local storage and highlight the current hour.

Employee Tracker

A comand line aplication that allows the user to add/view departments, employee roles, and employees as well as update employee roles. Information then gets saved to a MySql database.

POD | E-Learning

Group project made using MySql, Express, Sequelize. Online learning platform for teachers to upload content so that their student can learn from home. Live site to come.


Site were user can create, update, delete notes. Notes saved to local machine,

Employee Summary Creator

A team generator command line application that prompts users for information about the team manager and then information about the team members. Then uses that information to create stylized cards.